Summer Success

It’s all good news. Over the summer of 2021, we field-tested a revolutionary new smart swamp cooler controller in 9 different homes. The results were overwhelmingly positive: every user loved it. One even joked, “You’ve saved my marriage!” 

Designed and manufactured in Los Ranchos, this new controller, dubbed the Roadrunner Comfort, provides unprecedented comfort and convenience. It works with already-installed evaporative coolers, replacing existing switches, rotary, or old-school thermostatic controls. With easy drop-in installation (no new wiring required), it transforms virtually any swamp cooler into a modern, high efficiency, high performance cooling system.

The Roadrunner Comfort controller doesn’t just switch on and off the swamp cooler, like a thermostat, to maintain indoor temperature. Instead, it uses a sensor clipped to the air vent to keep the temperature of the air being blown into your home at the temperature you set. This keeps the air throughout the house at a constant, uniform temperature, rather than running chilly near the vent and warmer further away.

The smart Roadrunner Comfort controller has a color touchscreen with easy to use controls and a remote app for your phone for your convenience. The 3D printed enclosure uses compostable plastic, and the whole package is designed for an extended lifetime towards a more sustainable future. And, it is designed and made right here in Los Ranchos, New Mexico.

Look for the new product launch in the spring of 2022.