Fall 2020 update

Life testing of key electro-mechanical components has established their lifetime in excess of 20 years.  Further design work is underway to extend the lifetime of the battery-operated sensor to approach the shelf life of the battery (currently 10 years).  Improved product deployment starts next spring.  Still on the list: funding for regulatory approvals and IP protections.

By the way, have I mentioned that the Koolest works with your existing swamp cooler?  It replaces the rotary switch or thermostat you already have.  That’s it.  Nothing more needed, although a home wifi network and cell phone will be handy if you’ve got them.

Until next time, stay healthy.  Think kindly of your neighbor, your fellow citizen, your world.  Protect them by wearing a mask and social distancing.  Sorry it has to be this way, but the alternative is to kill a lot of people who are important to some of us.  Please do it for their sake.